Almohadillas de Limpieza en Estrella Eemann Tech para AR15 - 10 piezas/paquete
Especialmente diseñado para una eliminación más fácil y rápida del carbón suelto y ayuda a distribuir uniformemente los solventes y lubricantes.
Eemann Tech Star Chamber Cleaning Pads for AR15 - 10pcs./pack
When cleaning the chamber of your modern sporting AR15, normal patches are simply not made for this job.
The Eemann Tech Chamber Cleaning Pads for AR15 are precision cut to easily fit into your bolt chamber.
They are specially designed for easier and faster removal of loosened carbon and help to evenly distribute solvents and lubricants.
Compatible with most standard cleaning rods.
Includes 10 wool chamber pads per pack.
• 10 wool chamber pads
• Precision cut to fit AR15 star chambers
• Removes loosened carbon from star chamber