The Dillon RT1500 Electric Case Trimmer trims large quantities of brass efficiently, converting 223 Remington to 300 AAC Blackout. It features a 1/4 horsepower motor with a carbide cutter, requires a vacuum manifold for debris, and is compatible with standard reloaders.
The Dillon RT1500 Electric Case Trimmer is designed for heavy-duty trimming tasks, including converting 223 Remington into 300 AAC Blackout. It operates by using a 1/4 horsepower electric motor to drive a carbide cutter, trimming cases to length while being pushed into a standard size die. The trimmer features a vacuum manifold for chip removal and a quick-disconnect power cord. It is compatible with any standard reloader, single stage or progressive, and is available only in 110 volt / 60 hz. Size/trim dies and case lube are sold separately.
Dillon Precision Code: 62164
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