EGI – Eemann Gonçalves Ibérica, Lda ( online-store operator) acknowledges that online-store users value their confidentiality. However, gathering of personal information is often necessary for electronic commerce within present economic conditions. Online-store management’s aim is to balance profitability of electronic commerce and personal rights of the users to avoid misuse of personal information of the latter. EGI – Eemann Gonçalves Ibérica, Lda (hereinafter the Company) follows General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP) (EU 2016/679, 27.04.2016).

By using the services of internet-resource the Buyer (hereinafter referred to as Data Subject) shall give his/her consent for processing his/her personal data under the following terms and conditions.

Gathering of personal information
While registration on the webpage of online-store, operator is allowed to ask for your personal data, such as your name, email, company’s name, phone number, address etc. The Company will use this information mainly for your order’s procession. In addition, the Company is allowed to use this information for the business purpose, such as notification of the products and services that might be of interest for you.

You are mainly allowed to visit online-store without provision of personal information. However, part of the webpage’ zones require personal information to be provided by the visitors. The system may restrict access to such zones if the user rejects provision of such information.

Liable processor of personal data shall be EGI – Eemann Gonçalves Ibérica, Lda with NIF 516681699, Rua da Boavista, 26, 4770-754, Vermoim, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as Processor).

The Processor shall have the right to authorize other persons or institutions (hereinafter referred to as Authorized Processor) to process the personal data of the Data Subject, provided that the Processor and the Authorized Processor have entered into an agreement, pursuant to which the Authorized Processor shall be obligated to keep the data to be processed confidential and ensure the performance of obligations arising from the Personal Data Protection Act applicable to the Authorized Processor. The Processor shall make an up-to-date list detailing the names, addresses and other contact information of all of the Authorized Processors available to the Data Subject upon the Data Subject’s request.

The Processor may process (among others collect, store, transmit) the following personal data of the Data Subject, in a volume, needed for processing of the Data Subject order or provision of services:

1. name, surname and personal code or birthdate;
2. age and sex of the Data Subject;
3. contact information, incl. telephone, cellphone, e-mail address;
4. place of residence or postal address;
5. products purchased by Data Subject, product groups, product prices and stores where purchases have been made;
6. login and password of Data Subject for login to the system;
7. IP-address of Data Subject;
8. means of identification for the Data Subject mobile phone;
9. the Data Subject preferences specified by him/her;
10. information about partners preferred by the Data Subject;
11. information about joining mailing lists;
12. information about Data Subject's orders and payments;
13. contact information of Data Subject in social media;
14. data about Data Subject's location;
15. Data Subject nicknames or screen names;
16. Data Subject avatar;
17. preferences, assessments, reviews and comments made by the Data Subject;

The Processor shall process the personal data of the Data Subject for the following purposes:

1. during processing of the order made by the Data Subject thru the internet-resource;
2. when using by the Data Subject of the discounts;
3. during marketing research, incl. during preparation of the birthday proposals;
4. while studying consumer habits;
5. while preparing sales statistics;
6. while direct marketing, newsletters sending etc.;
7. while preparing recommendations for the Data Subject;
8. in case of urgent notification of Data Subject.

Personal data protection
The Data Subject shall have all the rights arising from the Personal Data Protection Act with respect to his/her personal data. Among others, the Data Subject shall have the right to receive personal data associated with him/her from the Processor, require the correction of incorrect personal data and the cessation of processing personal data, and prohibit the transfer of data to third persons. The Data Subject shall also have the right to require compensation for direct, documented and reasonable damage caused by the improper processing of personal data by the Data Processor or third parties in the event if the Data Processor is guilty for the illegal processing.

In additional to the rights provided in the aforementioned clause, the Data Subject shall have the right to turn to both the Processor and the Portuguese Data Protection Inspectorate with any questions regarding his/her personal data.

In order to ensure high security upon processing personal data, the Data Subject shall be obligated to submit all applications regarding his/her personal data to the Processor in written with a signature of the Data Subject and date. Generally, the Processor shall perform necessary activities within 5 working days, unless the Data Subject and the Processor agree on a separate deadline. Appeals of the Data Subject, which do not have the signature and contacts of the applicant, will not be processed. The data processor has the right to request additional documents from the applicant, if there are unavoidable doubts that the appeal was made by an unauthorized person.

Limitation for the servicing of children
Our internet-resource in intended for the people over 16 years old. Registration and servicing of the persona under the age of 16 is possible only with the written consent of their parents or legal representatives. No personal data about the people under the age of 16 is collected intentionally. If You are a parent, guardian or other legal representative of a person under age of 16 and You believe, that your child has provided us with his personal information without your consent, please contact us and we will do our best to remove the available personal information of Your child as soon as possible.

Gathering information of the domain addresses
For statistical purposes and in order to analyse attendance of online-store, the Company gathers information of the domain addresses. This information allows following what type of clients visit the store, how often and what part of the store is visited the most. The Company uses this information in order to improve the online-store. This information is gathered automatically and does not need any activity from the user’s side.

Notices to third parties
If the Company assumes that your business interest may be satisfied, the Company may provide your contact information (save for account number, credit card number, order details and personal information) to business partners that may notify you on the new goods and services in order to improve competiveness.

The Processor may forward personal data of the Data Subject to the following third persons:

1. Data Processor affiliated companies (subsidiary and parent companies and other affiliated companies);
2. business partners of Data Processor;
3. consultants related to the Data Processor business activity;
4. other persons if the provision of the personal data to them arises from the legislation.
The Processor shall not forward personal data of the Data Subject to any third person that has not been mentioned in this consent, unless such a right or undertaking arises from the law.

Personal Data of the Data Subject may be stored on servers, located outside the Data Subject country of residence or the location of the Data Processor. Processing of data is carried out in the Portuguese Republic.

If you assume that advertising material from partners is not acceptable for you, please notify us/our partners of your wish not to receive any further advertisements and be excluded from the distribution list.

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Some pages of this site use «cookies» that are small-sized files to be allocated on your hard disk for identification purposes. These files will be used for registration and identification during your next visit. Please be aware that cookies cannot read information from your disk. Your Internet browser may notify you every time you receive cookie, asking for your permission. Some pages cannot fully function without cookies and you may be restricted from some information should you reject to accept cookies.