If you reload a lot, there’s a good chance you already own a Mr.Bulletfeeder by DAA. By far the most successful bullet feeder on the market, it has helped to make a bullet feeder part of the must-have-equipment on every serious reloader’s bench. If you have not tried reloading with a bullet feeder yet – don’t wait any longer! You won’t regret it.
The commercial reloader or shooter who wants to load LOTS of ammo may want his collator to hold more bullets. The 300-400 capacity that Mr.Bulletfeeder by DAA offers is enough for many, but not for all. The Mr.Bulletfeeder PRO by DAA is designed to hold well over 1,000 9mm 124 gr bullets and run like clockwork.
The collator is much larger, tripling the capacity. The collator plate still turns at the same RPM, but the doubling of pockets per rotation means the bullet collator spits out twice as many bullets per minute. We measured one of our 9mm units outputting at a rate of 7,200 per hour!
Because of the larger, heavier collator and shell plate, and substantially greater load of bullets, it is no longer practical to hang so much weight on the side of the case feeder. So, the PRO includes its own aluminum, telescopic, height-adjustable stand, which allows you to position the collator just right for your reloading setup, and adjust its angle to provide the best performance for the type of bullet you are collating.
The dropper too has been improved and beefed up. The die section of the PRO dropper model is made of steel, not aluminum, increasing durability and longevity. The additional weight in the die and brass weight sections leads to increased reliability for this gravity-powered design.