ROLLSIZER Drop Tube for Pistol/Rifle
Small pistol drop tube required for 380ACP, 9mm, 38S/SC, 40S&W, 357Mag conversions. Machined drop tube. Drop tube height requires adjustment when doing caliber conversions. This is provided automatically if your order includes 380ACP, 9mm, 38S/SC, 40S&W, 357Mag conversions.
Large pistol drop tube required for 44Mag and 45ACP conversions. Machined drop tube. Drop tube height requires adjustment when doing caliber conversions. This is provided automatically if your order includes 45ACP or 44Mag conversions.
This is required to be ordered separately if ordered after the initial purchase and the original purchase did not include a conversion that required this drop tube.
OEM Code: 102969 (Small), 102970 (Large)