Whether you're an AR-15 novice or seasoned pro, here's what you need to keep your AR in ship-shape.
Whether you're an AR-15 novice or seasoned pro, here's what you need to keep your AR in ship-shape.
First up, the Gun Boss Cleaning Kit. This rod-based system is compact and travels wherever you go. No other cleaning kit is more comprehensive or cleans your AR-15 faster, easier and more thoroughly. Pull the trigger and bake on carbon. Open the kit and clean it off. It's all in a day's work.
The Pack also includes a Smart Mat. What makes this Mat so smart? It’s large enough to handle a field-stripped AR-15, with the visible instructions to get you there. The attached parts tray ensures your pins, bolts and springs are never lost again. Its oil-resistant surface allows you to properly clean your gun without ruining the kitchen table.
You also get a Carbon Scraper. Carbon is the enemy of black guns. Regular use quickly builds up carbon on bolts and ring pins. The moving parts on an AR-15 require a precision-scraping solution, so Real Avid developed the AR-15 Scraper—the first scraper designed to clean 12 critical surfaces on the bolt carrier group. The innovative, double-ended swivel design saves time by removing carbon quickly and easily from the entire bolt carrier group. Carbon just ran out of places to hide.
Last but not least, the Pack includes an AR-15 Field Guide. This compact, easy-to-follow field guide contains everything you need to know about your AR-15. Illustrated step-by-step instructions show you how to break down, clean, oil, and reassemble the gun you love to shoot.
Set includes:
Real Avid Code: AVAR15CLPK