Eemann Tech Pin for CZ 75
Eemann Tech Pin CZ 75
EEMANN TECH Pin CZ 75 is used as a replacement. The life span of the pin is about 10,000 shots. We recommend changing about every 8,000 shots. This prevents damage to the frame when the pin breaks. After the last round is fired from the magazine, the slide will not remain in the rear position.
Suitable for guns:
CZ 75, CZ 75 B, CZ 75 B SA, CZ 75 BD Police,
CZ 75 B Stainless, CZ 75 B New edition,
CZ 75 Compact, CZ 75 D Compact, CZ 75 Kadet,
CZ 75 SP-01, CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical, CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom,
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Orange,
CZ Shadow 2,
CZ 75 Shadow line, CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow line, CZ 75 Compact Shadow line,
CZ 85, CZ 85 B, CZ 85 Combat,
CZ 97, CZ 97 BD,
CZ 75 Tactical Sports CZ 75 TS Orange,
CZ 75 Czechmate,
CZ P-07, CZ P-07 Kadet, CZ P-09,
CZ 2075 Rami, CZ 2075 D Rami.